These two pics are some of the cute shots that I have from the weekend. I loved these because this little girl is so tiny and this huge horse is such a teddy bear. I think it is wonderful that a horse can be entrusted to a child with no fear of it being dangerous and this is one of those horses.

I got caught up a bit on barn work today. It was cooler and the humidity was not as bad as it has been so it was bearable to be outside. Taxes is coming on nicely, his leg is healing slowly but at least we are seeing progress.
Larry got up for an hour or so today. We are still battling with one section from his surgery which won't heal but as it is not a pressure related problem we decided that he needs to get up and about a bit for his sanity if nothing else.
I have been invited to shoot an Arabian show in Fort Wayne the weekend after next which I am quite excited about because I havent photographed arabians for ages. MiKael I am going to be picking your brains for tips on how to shoot for these guys!!!! I hope your show went well this weekend, I will be catching up on your blog tonight too.
Mike thank you so much for your diligent posts and visits it means a lot to me. Your little buddy is doing well. I will let you and Julie share him no problem LOL. He is such a little monster he will need two homes so that the one can recover while he is at the other Hehehehe.
I am off to try to catch up with my print orders and to check in on a few of my blogging buddies. Hope you all had a great weekend. ((((HUGS))))))
Great images Lori, It is nice to see pictures again! Blogger has been so quiet. I have just about decided everyone is on vacation or something.
Well take care, glad you got some cooler weather. Glad to here Larry is getting along better.
Also glad to hear Taxes is looking better. You have done a good job nursing him back to health.
Either of those pictures would be great at an Arabian show. Arabs move differently, and must be more collected than any other breed, so the degree of collection on the western horse isn't good for an Arab (they're supposed to be vertical in the bridle) but it's the leg position that they're looking for. Looks to me like you have it here. Will still look for some links so you can see the different disciplines.
And here they do win shots with the horse, rider and presenter all facing the cam. I already told you about the ears part. But would think that would be the same with other breeds. But haven't really ever paid attention.
The show was fun. Hard but fun. Dandy is such a great horse with such a big heart.
Well, I better hit the sack. Want to get up at 6 to school horses before it gets too hot for me.
Will catch you later!!
What great photos. i love seeing young kids enjoying horses.
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