I am a bit bummed out today, not feeling too chipper, depressed. I noticed a few days ago that some of the horses are starting to grow thicker coats, their sleek hair is a bit coarser and not so shiny. Also the forest across the road has started losing its leaves and some of them are turning yellow!!!! It seems like winter has only just left us and we have had the opposite extreme in terribly hot weather for the last few weeks. Today was beautiful but the cool breeze was almost ominous in the way it felt, a sense of what is to come. The main worry is the trees and the horses coats despite the hot weather because they grow winter coats that will suffice for the winter so if it is going to be a cold one they will start early and get thicker coats. Oh well I suppose we will have to live with whatever is thrown our way.
Today's picture is a sunrise shot a few years ago looking over the neighbors field. I havent touched my camera in days. I put Taxes' momma in with Dosie, Lori and Cayenne today and they got on really well. Dosie has been the odd one out and it seems that he has paired off with her. She is a very dominant mare so they all toe the line when she is around LOL.
Abraham thanks for the visits. The swans are unfortunately not there any more. The baby was a male so it had to be sold because the pond wasnt big enough for two male birds and the female was killed by a pack of dogs last year which really upset me. She was sitting on 8 eggs at the time. The male survived but the owner had to sell him too because the chances are that the dogs would come back. He was heartbroken when it happened, so was I.
Beautiful sunset, there's almost something liquid looking about that sky, for an instant I thought it was reflected in a pond. Must have been my goofy eyes but the liquid look helped.
I can't believe I'm so far behind with my blogger friends. I even missed a post of two on my blog, MiKael's Mania - Arabian Horses and boy that's not like me, I'm such a wind bag! lol
Have been thinking about you though! I, too, am dreading the impending winter. But have decided I'm not going to let it get me down. We'll have to bolster each other up to get through with some cheer!
Let me know about the links and if they worked ok, there are a couple more I could send. I wish we were closer, I'd go with you and get the ears on those puppies up like they like! LOL that would be a sight, me chasing down show ponies rattling stuff at them. LOL
Hope your day is better!
I can feel a hint of autumn in the air and yet the summer seems to have never arrived due to all the rain! That is so sad about the sawns :(
Hi Lori,
It must be the weather...I haven't felt like posting or commenting too much lately either. I am ready for fall here, I don't like the hot weather very much.
I loved your comment on my Wilson's Creek post with the horses. It would be fun to do something like that with Taxes. What a glorious site. If I was a few years younger I may have considered it.
Hope you get a little more "chipper" soon. I need to get out and try something new in taking pictures but I am not sure what.
Thanks again for your welcome comments. High Ho Silver.....oh that isn't exactly the Civil War is it?
Take care and stay cool.
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