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(Click on picture to enlarge)

I got a bit of barn work done today and finished my prints and got them all mailed off. It was very hot and humid this morning and although the heat didnt deminish, the humidity dropped from about lunchtime so it was a bit more pleasant to be outside, still in the low 90s though. I think tomorrow is going to be in upper 80s and less humid too so I can get everything done before the weekend.
I hope everyone is well and think of you all often. ((((Hugs)))))
That is incredible that you could get such a good shot of this guy. If I remember correctly these move almost as fast as hummingbirds. Very neat shot Lori.
How did it do in the challenge?
I'm with mike, that is incredible!
Glad to hear the weather was a tad better.
Will be thinking of you at your show while we are at ours. I wish you were going to be at ours, then I'd get some good pics for a change!! LOL
Hope you have a fun time I the show too.
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