The boys are very happy with their new enclosure. I put them in and let Blue out there this evening for a few hours. He discovered the electric tape quite quickly poor boy but he also had a nice run around and enjoyed being out and able to stretch his legs. I will try to get pictures tomorrow. When I first put them out I am always cautious about them being in an unfamiliar area so dont always have my camera with me in case I have problems.
We woke up to 30C and frost this morning as predicted but it warmed up into the upper 50s so was a nice day overall. We turn our clocks back this Sunday, yay an extra hour to sleep, the downside is that I have to start the chores earlier in the evening because it gets dark earlier.
I have to do my sales tax return tomorrow!!! Cant forget that, yuk. Also expecting about three tonnes of feed to be delivered so have been cleaning the feed barrels frantically and getting everything tidied up. I meant to get hold of my hay man today to see what he has available but forgot.
I got my issue of "The Horse" magazine today and I have two pictures in it this month. Doesnt pay a whole lot but it is nice to get a monthly check(cheque) in the mail when they use shots. I have had photos in the August, October and this month - November, issues.
That is about it for today. (((Hugs))) to everyone.
Good for you! Do you submit pictures to them??
I walked right by the horse magazines at Kroger Marketplace on Sunday when I took those photos now on my brookvilleohiophoto blog. And at the time I thought about you and your photos. I should have picked it up. What a surprise that would have been to see your work there.
I like your dolled-up photo and the kitten is adorable and I don't like cats.
Our fence builders were here all day (6 men) yesterday tearing down a board fence I put up 30 years ago. They even got most of it hauled away and set most of the fence posts in concrete. So I am guessing they will get it done today including the two four-foot wide gates.
Lots of money but then at our age we can no longer work like that.
Congrats on getting your pics published :) Lovely kitty :)
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