These horses are bred specifically for showing in halter classes and a lot of them probably never get ridden ever, or see a pasture or outside of a stable while they are being shown. In days gone by horses at shows were more versatile, you would show them in halter then do a western pleasure class on him and go on to run barrels in a barrel race and maybe even rope a cow or jump in a jumping class!! Now everything is very specialised which is a shame.
I dont have much to report today, didnt do very much LOL other than work on the final few orders that I had queries on and a bit of shopping.
Hope you are all having a good week. Take care. ((((Hugs))))
Hi Lori, stoppin in, I haven't been around blogging lately. Lots of new great stuff, good to see you riding! Gorgeous "babies" You k n ow BB is my fav :)
Hope to chat soon, catch ya later,
I must say I thought this was some kind of statue. It seemed to perfect to be flesh and blood but I guess it is flesh and blood.
I really think horses are extra ordinary and nice.
I still get tears in my eyes when I see the Budweiser Commercials and the one at the Olympics with Benjamin and the dalmation does it every time and I have seen in often.
Imagine my surprise at what popped-out of my sprinkling can > Dances on Sunshine
Love the picture of BB's daddy. He looked absolutely HUGE! Almost like Gee.
Now that is one impressive horse! You're right this one looks like a body builder and to hear he wasn't fully developed at this point.
Looks like a horse super hero! Very lovely guy.
Woah, what a stunner! He's beautiful, such a shame!
I don't think I would be able to mount him with my small legs :-)
Aren't they doing some kind of leadline halter classes now? Maybe it's just for the younger horses? I recall a class where you longe the horse too, so it's judged on movement. Anyone out there know more about this? I think it was an attempt to diversify the halter classes a little. I think the halter classes are interesting. If the horse is just good at standing there looking muscular, I wouldn't want to breed my mare to him. I want a horse that is athletic, and can move, cut, rein, trail ride. Those halter horses can barely move out on their little hooves. But I do think there has been a small movement towards change for more versatile halter horses.
Anyway, that blue roan is gorgeous, love the color!
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