A very quick post, I will get to all my replies to e-mails etc. soon.
This is the mare that I collected yesterday. Believe it or not she is a registered Quarter Horse, even though she looks like an Arabian!!! Considering she is 24 odd years old I think she looks great apart from her thinness. I wont post pics of her full ody until I have put a bit of weight on her.

She has come through her ordeal fine and seems to be eating nicely and drinking water again and I havee had her on a hay diet until this evening when I gave her a small portion of crimped (crushed) whole oats. She is a very sweet filly. Her name is BJ.

Kera, one of the ladies who helps us out every day is giving her a good scratch under her chin. She twists her head and stretches her neck out for you to scratch her under her jaw.

Thanks all for your visits and kind words again, ((((Hugs))))
What a kind face!! Hope you're feeling ok m'dear!
Hey girl. Beautiful horse! How long are you keeping her at your place?
This horse is a beauty and surely has some Arabian blood somewhere in her line. What an elegant looker she is at her age. I love horses almost as much as dogs. Now, since my daughter and her girl and her cat are here I am trying to like cats better.
Oh, forgot. I never thought I would ever see that much of a leg on a lady that wasn't my wife.
Sorry about the accident and glad your leg wasn't broken.
Oh, Lori, I'm sorry to hear that your life has been in such turmoil. I wish mine wasn't so upside down here so that I could have more time to be there for you. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.........and it wouldn't hurt to kick me in the butt with an email to get me started communicating! LOL
She is a beautiful mare nad she does look arabian...Can't wait to hear more about her!! Cute pic of her being scratched!
Hope all is well with you.
Hi Lori,
Thanks for stopping by and giving me some encouraging words. I love this theme that I am currently on and have a few more shots before fall really comes upon us. I also had some great fun Sunday at a Gem and Mineral Show. Got some neat shots and oh how I wish I could have controlled my lighting better. I may approach them next year about setting up a booth on photographing rocks and minerals, perhaps they would let me take some shots under more controlled circumstances.
Well you take care. You have been in my thoughts and prayers lately. I know you are going through a difficult time right now.
I don't know horses, but she's a beautiful creature. She looks like a surreal painting of a horse.
Such a beautiful horse and wonderful photos!
I'm sorry to say I've been away much too long and am far behind on what you have been doing.
I rescued a starving horse and now that I know he's going to make it, I'm back to reading my favorite blogs.
I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your father. Hang on to your memories! They will bring you comfort during sad times.
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