We have definitely not had photo taking weather recently so I havent got many of the horses, but we put Goldie out to run in the small field today. She is still very twitchy about her head so we have left the rope attached or we wont be able to catch her LOL, I havent spent anywhere near enough time with her but I am taking advantage of the break while Adam is looking after the horses to detach myself from them and when next month I get back into routine it wont feel like such a chore and maybe I can start enjoying my horses again.

As you can see she is just a ball of fluff, that is the only way I have seen her because she was already 4 months old when I got her. I can't wait until she sheds out all that hair and I can see what she looks like properly. Cyndie you asked if her legs were that straight, she does had vry good straight legs according to Larry but again with all the hair on her legs and around her fetlocks etc. it is hard to see LOL. I am not big into what is "correct" in conformation, which is bad with me being a photographer, they are all gorgeous to me and I love them all whether I can see their "faults" according to those that know or they are as ugly as sin.

She sure is a little firecracker though and it wont be too soon for me to start working with her because she is going to be a handful.

Nothing much happening today. Got a print order that I have been putting off for ages (just personal pics not orders) and got that done.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. (((((Hugs)))))) to all that need them, you are all always in my thoughts. I am going to try to learn to meditate I think, I believe it is very relaxing.
See y'all tomorrow.
Goldie is pretty darn cute. I could have one of those......like I need another horse. LOL
Still waiting for us to chat but you have to let me know what works for you.
I thought crocheting was meditation. LOL
That is a beautiful pony Lori. I am sure she is going to turn into a really fine one!!
She has a very pretty head. I'm getting a little bit better at telling what is correct or not but I still think it is all subjective in the end. I love it when the babies are all fluffy.
Goldy is gorgeous. I love her face. Meditating sounds interesting - i keep meaning to give it a try. {{HUGS}}
Gorgeous photos!
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