At first she ran a round like a mad thing, but the fence was perfectly clear to her and she knew exactly where the boundaries were which is exactly what I wanted to achieve. She stayed close to the barn and when I went out into the area she walked around with me. There is absolutely no grass here at the moment, just mud and dried lumps from the hoof ruts which hurt their soles inside the hooves to walk on.
Within 2 minutes she was puffing like a steam engine and sweating like mad but this is just the type of exercise that this poor mare needs, a few weeks of regularly being turned out for a few hours and she will be far easier to handle and probably ride. So hopefully when this becomes a regular exercise she will stop wanting to hang around a the barn door and learn to move around a bit more out there, I am going to start feeding her out there which will settle her too.
The pictures are ones I took late yesterday afternoon while she was doing her thing LOL. I love this mare and only hope that if he decides to get rid of her that he will give me the option of having her even if I have to pay her off.
That's it for today, it has been another long day, we started with an earthquake this morning at quarter til 6am. There is a fault line that runs from southwest Illinois in a north easterly direction up through Indiana and affects us when it moves which I dont think happens very often.
So that is the excitement for the day LOL. I have been running i mad circles all day trying to get things done, am finding a bit more energy and motivation but there is so much to do. It was 9.30pm when I sat down here to look at my computer eventually. ((((*Hugs))))) have a great weekend everyone.
When Blue was born, he was the first baby I actually watched being born, he was exceptional in every way. I was still very inexperienced and he was the third baby that had been born since my arrival. He had the most beautiful way of moving with his mile long legs. He didnt trot or walk he just loped or cantered with this amazing ease everywhere. You can find a picture of him with his momma at a few days old at the bottom of this page. He is 5 years old today. http://groups.msn.com/doubleLpainthorses/dbdblueyedwonderbarforsale.msnw .
So he is my other Tax day baby along with the Brat, aka Mikes not so little buddy, aka Taxes. Below is a shot taken by a friend a few days ago, I have no pictures of me and my horses so unfortunately they normally come at inoportune moments when I look like hell and an old hag!! And here is the star of the show. It is hard to believe that he is already one year old. I was trying to entice him out of the barn to have a run this morning because the weather is beautiful but the area outside the doorway is very muddy and he didn't want to get his little hooves dirty. Well I eventually went into the enclosure to see if that would entice him out. It did and this was the only shot I got because he was making a B-line for me to come play!!!!! I ran like the wind and climbed through the fence LOL. Bear in mind that this yearling is probably the same size as all of my other fully grown horses and weighs 900 - 1000lbs!
Our weather as you all know from my constant complaining has been dreadful for weeks now but it is beautiful and sunny today although in the 30s or 40s still, but I will take it.
That is all the excitement for today I am afraid. (((Hugs))))) to you all and thanks for visiting.
One of my foals taken many years ago in my barn in the winter sunlight I made a discovery at the local Charity shop (where you can buy se...