He is still naughty though, and now that I am hopefuly improving I am going to have to start working with some of these horses. If you notice (click on the image to see a bigger version) he found a short stick and was running around with that in his mouth. He is one of those horses that has to be doing something with their mouths, some horses are not happy unless they have the lead rope in their mouth. He was full of beans as you can see.

I am hoping to be able to take 4 or 5 horses to the other pasture down the road soon which will also be a relief. Will try to arrange that tomorrow.
Other than that I think we are in for a very nice spring for a change, and hopefully it will last longer than usual, fingers crossed. I think the first cutting of hay will be on schedule, it is just a matter of seeing if the farmers will bring their prices back down a bit.
Larry is goig to visit his plastic surgeon tomorrow at 1 so the day will be pretty much taken care of with the trip up and back and the appointment.
I hope you enjoy the photos, it is so nice to see bright sun again, and it breaks my heart seeing that hay field in the background while my fields are absolutely bare! (((Hugs)))
My goodness he had gotten big! He still has that youthful and mischevious look though.
Hope your Dr. visit goes well tomorrow.
Thanks for your visits!
These are very nice photographs, Lori. I was surprised to see the horse with the stick in its mouth. Wow.
They both look like they enjoyed the sprint outside. It was a nice day.
Beautiful Pictures!!!
It's good to see you are feeling better. I've been thinking about you alot.
Taxes is huge! Oh my he's a handsome boy! Gee is lovely too. I'm glad she was brave enough to run around.
It's good to see you are feeling better. I've been thinking about you alot.
Taxes is huge! Oh my he's a handsome boy! Gee is lovely too. I'm glad she was brave enough to run around.
Nice pictures. Hope the weather holds for a long time, we could all use a break.
What enjoyable photos! Loved them.
Taxes sure is a big, beautiful boy and a rascal. How he loves life!
But all of your horses are beautiful ... interesting how different each one can be.
Oh, yah ... let's hang by the gate, not run, just stand there. That is until we want to bring them home.
Keep posting those beautiful photos!
Looks like they are having a great time. Glad to hear someone has nice weather. It is cold and windy here.
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