I have again been very remiss in my blog posts, this, I think, is the longest period I have gone without posting anything.

So much has happened since my last post, The Welsh Pony Show went very well, the weather was good to us and I think Lisa had a good time, she is nearly as bad as me when it comes to how many frames she shot, but she also helped out with the downloading and the customers. They were long days, both days finished up at about 8pm and 7pm respectively. We only had one lunch break on the Saturday and no breaks on Sunday.

I have been messing around with Wiggle most days, putting a bridle on her and walking her around the turn out area bareback, and yesterday I actually took her for a walk down the drive, also bareback!! She was so good. We were only walking so there is no telling what she will do if I ask for a trot, but I am not as young as I used to be when riding without a saddle was the norm, so I am not goiing to find out and wind up hurting myself. She loves the attention
I have a 2 day Pinto show this weekend which Lisa is helping me with again. This show has a special bonus in that two of our horses Dream and Blaze will be in the halter classes at this show. I am looking forward to seeing them, they have both apparantly filled out and grown like weeds.
We have been dodging most of the rain over the past few weeks and the temps have been fluctuating between the 80s and 90s but we had a nice downpour this afternoon (only one tenth of an inch) but we will take it. The grass in the pasture needs it.

The fillies down the road are doing well but all the horses have been battling those big black horse flies we get every year at this time. The fly in swarms and bit like crazy, they are about an inch long and target the area just above the tail on the horse's butt where they have the most trouble getting their tails and mouths to and drive them nuts. I found Cayenne yesterday with a whole bunch on her butt and the poor little thing going frantically around trying to get them off but once there is blood there it atttracts more. So I played fly swatter for a while until they had calmed down a bit. These flies are tough, you have to make sure you have squashed them or they will just get up and fly away again.
Today's pictures are of a house near Lisa's that she calls The Munster House. They always have lovely flowers and the house is brick with metal railings around the garden and porch, and the storm that was blowing in taken with the old railway station in the foreground. I didnt have a clear shot because of all the buildings and trees to show you how dramatic the sky was, but it turned pitch black in seconds and had this line between the two types of clouds, difficult to describe. By the time I had got home it was raining and the dramatic look had gone. The other two are of the peacock feathers that Lisa got for me from her mother's male peacock when they fell out. I took these two before the Welsh Show but havent had a chance to edit them until now.
Well that's about it for now. I have resigned myself to the fact that I am never going to catch up on everything I want to do. The corn is tassling at the moment and I am suffering with all the pollen flying around!
Hope you enjoy the pictures. (((Hugs))))