Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday 24 July 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Saturday 19 July 2008
This is a portrait of one of the three fillies we have down the road. They are a bit sunburned on their muzzles but eating like little pigs and getting fatter each day. This is Dee the prettiest of the three.
More squirrels, this is the little guy who came in really close but he didnt stick around long before running for the cover of the tree trunk.
I didn't get any riding done again today but did manage to get rid of the broken washing machine that we had to replace recently at the metal scrap yard. I was lucky enough to be about number 20 in the line and of cuorse sat in the sun in my little unairconditioned truck, which provided me with the perfect place for a sauna LOL!!!!!
Well nothing exciting to report for the day. I wish spring and fall were longer with their tolerable temperatures but that is Indiana for you.
Hope you are all having a great weekend. ((((Hugs)))))
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday 17 July 2008
This little guy hung around and made one attempt to come pretty close but lost his nerve and was hanging around the base of the tree. They will get used to us being there and I need to get some peanuts (uncooked ones), which will help lure them and get them used to posing for the camera!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tuesday 15 July 2008
I think this is my best hummer shot yet, I have found a good angle to shoot but it was so hot again today it was really unconfortable to be outside. I didnt ride today either because of that.
Thanks for the suggestions for the sunburn, they seem to be coping nicely now thank heavens. Mike the sculpture was collapsed in a heap this morning!!!! LOL, I should have taken it and bronzed it or something and sold it on eBay!!! Too late now.
Abraham yes it is getting hotter, you are only 60 odd miles from us so our weather is very similar. I already have box fans for all of the stalls but try not to use them unless it gets to the upper 80s low 90s. Most of the horses are out in pasture at the moment which makes that much easier, they get shade from the buildings and trees.
Luisa I have a few pictures of the railway station, it is an ordinary looking building and all boarded up now, I will post it next time for you.
Gecko you made me laugh about the whinneying and the stretchy silk surcingle.
Hope everyone is having a great week. (((Hugs))))
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday 14 July 2008
(Click on picture to enlarge)
(Click on picture to enlarge)
I rode Cayenne again today, I have to say it is getting easier and easier to get motivated right now and Larry keeps on my butt so I do it. We started with her having her breakfast in the trailer, she gave me a small bit of hassle getting in but nothing I couldnt manage on my own.
I then unloaded and reloaded her and put her in the barn while I shot my hummer pictures because that was when the light was right and in the spot I needed. After I got those, I got her saddled and off we went down the drive with Larry in tow. She was a star and walked with me riding past all the spooks and monsters she saw yesterday and then did a beautiful walk around the huge field and then over a bridge sort of filled in between two small ponds, ducks and all. She then turned back and we trotted up the hill and across the top of the field (there were two suspiscious looking round bales up there which she was a bit leary about) and then walked down the hill to our starting point like a star. I have to say I felt great after riding her, MiKael I am starting to see what pleasure you get out of riding your horses, up until now it has always just been such a chore with so many to look after.
Thanks to all who have visited my blog and those who have also left comments, I appreciate it and know how time consuming it can be that is why I am so far behind on mine!!! That is about it for today, a slightly cooler day upper 70s lower 80s so it was bearable. ((((Hugs)))))
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sunday 13 July 2008
This is a viaduct in town where the road goes under the old railway track. The old train station is just to the left of this bridge and you can see how old it is and how it is all falling to pieces. They have discontinued using this track (different one from the one that passes our house unfortunately!!) and have been pulling up the ties and rails for the past few weeks. Some of these old lines have been converted into cycling trails, laying a concrete path for people to use either to take a walk or ride their bicycles on, no motorised vehicles.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Friday 11 July 2008
(An old milk urn)
(To finish it off, an old wooden outhouse!!!)
I tried to give her a few basics on photography about f-stops, shutter speeds and ISO and how they work together but I think I ended up confusing her more than helping her LOL. I am not a very good teacher, I know what I want to explain but I just can't put it into words that will make it easy for someone to understand.
The pics today are a few that we shot this afternoon, I am heading for the shower and then hopefully a good night's sleep.
Have a great weekend all. (((((Hugs)))))))
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday 10th July 2008
My first photo today is one I had entered into a challenge on the DP Challenge forum so I didnt want to put it here as I know some of those members come here to look see but it is one of my best hummingbird shots so far. The sunlight was just falling on the bird and he turned the right way to catch the rays because right next to him is under the eaves of the house and it is very dark. I have some others but part of the bird is in the shadow and it doesnt have as much impact.
I got a snap of this little butterfly sitting on a milkweed plant flower but his one rear wing is damaged which is a shame. Didnt see the moth today but will keep watching out for it.
One of the downsides of having spotted horses, or paint horses is that the skin underneath the white hair is pink and very susceptible to sunburn. Last year Wiggle got sunburned quite badly out at the pasture down the road but I started spraying her with sunblock and she got better.
Well that is about it for today, hope all of this made up for me missing yesterday and that you are all well, nearly the weekend again can you believe it! ((((Hugs))))) and my thoughts, prayers and positive vibes to everyone who has troubles at the moment, there seeems to be so much suffering all over the world at the moment and I know people from as far away as Africa to here in the USA who are having hardships because of flooding, fires and other things.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tuesday 8 July 2008
I wrote an extra article on the subject of Proud Flesh in horses' when they have leg injuries and how difficult it is to keep under control. This was prompted by my friend MiKael of Rising Rainbow Arabians who has a young arabian colt who has injured his leg and she is probably going to have the same struggle as I had except this colt has the injury right on the coronary band, where the hoof and hair meet, which makes it just that much harder to deal with.
Yukky warning if you are squeemish it may not be a good place to visit as I have illustrated it with graphic pictures. I dont claim to be a professional and am just verbalising an account of how I handled this situation and what worked for me so be sure to always consult your veterinarian first.
The pictures today are of a moth that Stan found at the campsite on Tuesday. If anyone knows what type it is I would be grateful for some sort of Identification.
It is pretty late so I am going to make this a short one. I will answer the questions that have been posed on my past few blogs tomorrow ((((Hugs))))) all.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Monday 7 July 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sunday 6 July 2008
I have always shot for a living, it was never a hobby for me, I learned to print black and white pictures in a darkroom before I even took my first picture, and then it was on a Practica with a 50mm Carl Zeiss Lens LOL, a totally manual focus camera. No auto anything there everything was achieved with knowledge and my knowledge came the hard way, by making mistakes and asking why and learning from them. Getting great shots and asking why and learning from them too. Every lens you use has different quirks and results depending on how it is used. I make a dreadful teacher so I dont find it easy to put these things into words, but if any of you ever want to know why you got a specific result on a photo, ask me and I will see if I can figure it out and help you to avoid the same thing happening again. There are a few basic rules in photography and once you know those and how they work it is just a matter of putting them into practice to get the result you want.
Photography lesson over LOL. It was a very hot and humid day, I didnt have a very good one. Larry ad I went for a BBQ at Larry's sister's house this afternoon for his nephew's birthday. Larry has been getting up for a few hours a day so we timed his up time for then today. It started badly with a phone call at 6.30am this morning telling us that our home heakllth aide had called off and they didnt know if they could get a replacement for her. This ALWAYS happens when we have an appointment and time is important and makes it hard for me to get everything done in time to leave. Eventually someone came at 1pm and we left at 3pm so we just made it.
I think Larry enjoyed the time out with part of his family, it has been quite a while since we have gone visiting or since he has been off the property.
I did get Taxes out before we went for a few hours to have a run around in the bottom of the barn and dry lot outside the barn. The pictures today are a few of him, little monster wanted to stay inside where all the girls were of course LOL so he didnt run outside much but I think he enjoyed stretching his legs. I can already see a change in his attitude in a big way since he was gelded. He still wants to nip everything he can get his mouth near but that is typical, he has had a hormonal slow down though in a big wayLOL. Poor boy. He is only 15 months old now and stands the same height as any of our adult horses so he is going to grow a lot more.
Well that's it for today, thanks again everyone for4 your visits (((((Hugs)))) and have a good week.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Saturday - A Day of Sunshine
The picture below is of a tiny little Salamander that the little boy who was on our one trail ride found under a rock. He was quite taken by the fact that I didnt shreak and run away but rather put my hand out and took it. It was only an inch or two long. I put it on a mossy rock and did my best with the lens I had to get a shot of it.
I am getting better at the humming bird photos. Just not enough hours in the day LOL.
This is a tiny little wild flower that I found this morning next to the barn, thought it was quite pretty so snapped it. All of the wildflowers are starting to bloom now and I saw another Hummingbird clearwinged moth today, but the brown one (the last one I shot was green) and it was really small maybe three-quarters of an inch long but before I could get my lens and camera out it had gone. So I will be on the lookout for them from now on.
Need to get diesel and gas (petrol) for the tractor and mower so that I can cut the field and the garden grass, it is amazing how quickly it grows, just wish it looked like that in the fields LOL.
CG and MiKael thanks so much for your continued visits, I really appreciate them and you are also in my thoughts always, I will get back into it one day soon I hope. I neeed to set goals for each day the night before and then see if that will motivate me to do stuff especially with the horses.
Oops pushed publish before I had finished LOL. Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Still Struggling
I finally took a two day trip to the camp site where Stan and Val trail ride every weekend on Monday and Tuesday. For those of you who dont know they have three horses that we have bred and one other gelding so their horses are very special to me. I got to ride two of them and Eb is well on his way to being an awesome trail horse but is only taking short excursions with Stan until he is more seasoned. They decided to spend the week between last weekend and this weekend there at the camp too so it made it possible for me to stay overnight. It was a lot of fun, I rediscovered muscles I forgot I had LOL.
This is a fungus/lichen growing on one of the dead tree limbs on the trail.
Here is Eb standing on the tie line patiently waiting to have his turn on the trails.
This orange mushroom was incredible and is one of the things I wish I could have stopped and dismounted to shoot but we were quite a large group and it would have held everyone up.
This was shot while I was on the horse and he wasnt wanting to stand still so is not really good but fantastic opportunity to see this snake sunning itself on the rock in the river!
Today's pictures were some of the ones I shot on the one and only ride that I took the camera on. I decided to enjoy the rest of the riding without having to worry about the camera.
I have also been shooting my hummingbirds and hopefully getting better but they sure are hard to shoot.
One positive thing is that I have been using my camera more and am starting to get that passion back again. I feel so relaxed and happy when I have my camera in my hand and stroll around to see what I can find, and it is amazing what you can find if you really look.
Hope you all had a great 4th July (USA) and have a wonderful weekend. ((((((Hugs))))))
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