Thursday, May 31, 2007
31 May 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
30 May 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
29 May 2007
Very very hot again today, mid to upper 80s, sheesh what happened to spring, we never had it!!
My pictures today are of some birds I saw bathing in a puddle on my way down the road coming back from feeding the mares at the new pasture. They were at a stop street so I checked for cars approaching and there were none so I whipped my camera out, rolled down the passenger window and shot off a few frames. Unfortunately I forgot it was my 80-400 lens which I have to back off from the long end a tad or else the shots are a bit soft so they were not as sharp as I would have liked. I have noticed these birds there a few times so hopefully I will get another chance.
The next one is of brat baby (Taxes) doing contortion exercises again (he had an itch). I havent spent as much time around the horses recently because it is unbearable outside from 8.30 in the morning until 8 at night which doesnt leave much more time to do anything.
I will start catching up on my visits from tomorrow again to you all, dont be too mad at me :-(. Hope you are all well and ((((Hugs)))) to all that need them.
Oh and Mike, dont worry if I send Taxes in your direction I will give you all the tuition you need to take care of him LOL
Monday, May 28, 2007
28 May 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
27 May 2007
The brat is drinking more and more water and here he is taking a drink. I hope to spend some time taking pictures of him tomorrow.
Abraham this one is for you. Every year in our old barn we get barn swallows nesting in the eaves, last year we had three pairs and this year we have four. Their nests all fell down this last winter and they have rebuilt all but one so far which I have pictured above this morning. It is fascinating how they build their nests out of mud and sticks, horsehair and whatever they can find. I will keep taking pictures until it is built. Unfortunately until the babies get big enough to put their heads over the sides I wont be able to get shots of inside the nest because they are too close to the roof. Last year I got some cute shots of them peering over the edge. Within days they were gone out of the nest. Will post them tomorrow.
It has been a relaxing day, I decided I would take it easy and get prepared for the new week. Hope you all had a great weekend. (((Hugs))) for everyone who needs one.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
26 May 2007
While I was waiting for the horses out in the pasture to eat their grain and the water tank to fill this evening I wandered out into the field to check if there were thistle plants that needed to be cut down. When I looked over the fence at the far end into the corn field I saw this lone deer. I used my 80-400 Tokina lens and this was as close as I could get. I loved the lines, Anna (London) this will appeal to you I am sure.
(Click picture to enlarge)
This is a tighter crop of the image.
(Click pictures to enlarge)
The loady who owns the pasture has some lovely gardenias and these iris' which I couldn't resist shooting. It added a bit of color and brightness to my day which has been really subdued.
Friday, May 25, 2007
25 May 2007
(Click picture to enlarge)
(Click picture to enlarge)
We lost Barbie today. The vet said that with the way that the colt had been wedged and the trauma involved that she would probably be paralysed so Elliot had her put down to alleviate any further pain and suffering.
I don't feel much like talking so please forgive me for once again making this short.
We had a nice steady soaking rain for an hour or so today and boy did we need it. Hopefully we will get more of the same tomorrow. This is the first time Taxes has had to deal with rain since his birth when it was snowing LOL so the pictures are of him finding a place to shelter while momma grazed in the rain. The bushes along the fence line make a nice little hidy hole for him. In the bottom one you can see a bit more, in case you missed it he is on the left hand side of the picture in the bushes LOL. Click pictures to enlarge.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
24 May 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
23 May 2007
Today's picture is of Cat in the new pasture. I had a new visitor to my blog yesterday, her name is Dee and she is the lady that we got Cat from five years ago. Welcome Dee, I will be in touch, thanks for the visit and I am glad that you are doing well.
I have been in contact with the lady who was interested in Wiggle a few times and she has asked to be kept up to date. I e-mailed her again yesterday with the latest photos so hopefully she will be in contact. Keeping fingers crossed. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason in my life and if she is meant to stay then that is what will happen because this is her place. I love her to bits and it is going to be very hard to part with her.
MiKael I hope that the weather settles down for you, boy I dont think that i could deal with that kind of climate. This is bad enough. I know what you mean though every time you get going with a project something comes along to interfere with it and you never get it finished, I have been like that so many times with the stud we have had gelded, Blue and my filly Lori. I hope Rachael and Legs' lesson went well, look forward to hearing the outcome. Ooooooh a new baby can't wait, you must take lots of pictures. I will try to check in on marestare to see how she is doing.
Hey Mike it is dangerous to make statements like that LOL. Taxes is for sale you know, I may just tie a road map around his neck and send him on his way in your direction!!!!
I am going to try to get out early tomorrow morning while it is still cool and get some pictures of the Brat baby, they spend most of the day in their stall because the horse flies are starting and they get really bad when it is hot.
Well that is it for today, wish I had more photos to post but I am getting behind on my editing what with the show to get finished.
((((Hugs)))))) to all that need them. See y'all
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
22 May 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
21 May 2007
My picture today is of Morgan and Snicker Doodle, the same pair that I posted a pic of yesterday taken 5 years ago. You can see how she has grown!!! That is grandma in the background on the extreme left.
I caught up with a bit today, did some shopping, got my proofs ready for Larry to put on my website so that I can hopefully generate some sales from there and mowed the lawn. Will get to the stables and thousand other things tomorrow hopefully.
Hope you are all well and had a good Monday. ((((Hugs)))) to those that need them.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
20 May 2007
I dont know what happened to the comments on yesterdays post, maybe it had something to do with me posting from another computer. We will see if it does the same tonight, if it does then there must be something in my settings, i will check.
Glad the show is over, took stacks of photos. The picture today is of the grand-daughter (Morgan) of the lady (Annette) from yesterday. I have been photographing them since this girl was barely taller than this little pony. His name is Snicker Doodle and he is a little terror LOL.
A short one again tonight, I will start trying to catch up again tomorrow. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. ((((Hugs))))
Saturday, May 19, 2007
19 May 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
18 May 2007
So for catblogging day here is Taxes saying hi to Wildcat much to Wildcat's dismay LOL.
Well guys it is 10.30 here and I have had a long day, unloaded hay, cleaned stalls, doctored the Thoroughbred mare who has kicked the wall and has a hock that is up like a balloon and all the other 1000 things I do every day and I still have to pack my equipment for the trip tomorrow. I will have to leave at 6.30am because the show starts at 8am.
Oh one thing which I am stoked about, I sold my first two framed prints today, two of the pictures I had displayed at the local exhibit of local artists at the City Building. Woohoo.
Have a great weekend all, I will try to get my posts done from Larry's computer each night.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
17 May 2007
HI all
I will give you a break from the brat baby although believe me I have stacks of pictures of his antics to show you all LOL. I could sit and watch and photograph him all day.
The first shot is the helicopter at the hospital that is used to fly patients in. I thought it was nice and colorful and the sky was interesting with all the clouds and blue sky. The other one was taken through the back window of the ambulance just as we got onto the interstate which we have to travel on for 16 miles of the trip (total 50 miles from home). It amazes me how the traffic flows on the highways here. Everyone is respectful and travels at the speed limit if not a little over with the occasional speedster. It amazes me that there are so many accidents involving 16 wheelers. I took a whole bunch of other pictures of the countryside as we drove along, a trip I have made 30 or 40 times if not more.
The surgery went very well. The surgeon managed to do the procedure without an anaesthetic, with Larry being paralysed he cant feel in that area but they were worried about spasms and his bloodpressure and heart rate rising. Anyway they pulled it off and zapped the stone to oblivion and he is home so we are happy. It was a long day. We only got home at about 6.30pm. Luckily my neighbor fed the horses for me which took a weight off my shoulders. I just have to unload the load of hay tomorrow and clean all the stalls because I will be away for two days at the show.
Talj yes that is a bug, a bumble bee actually on the picture the other day above the eyes and ears picture LOL. I meant to point it out, well seen!!!!
MiKail we are two of a kind for sure, I also hate going to town, find it a total waste of time LOL and having my hair cut is another story!!!! I hope you are feeling better.
I will try to catch up on my reading tomorrow, thanks Talj, AB, CG, Mike, Julie, MiKael and Anna for your messages and visits. ((((Hugs))))) to you all and hopeto "see" you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
16 May 2007
And here he is being a total brat again, trying to play with Momma. She puts him in his place every now and again. He is very active and when he is not getting into some mischief, running and playing, he is sleeping.
I have had a bit of a difficult day so am going to make this short. We are going to the hospital again tomorrow for the bladder stone Larry has to be zapped. Dont know if he will stay over yet or not so it will probably be a long day. I also have a trailer load of hay to unload. I started it today but didnt even get a quarter of it done.
I hope you are all well and have a great Thursday. ((((Hugs))))) to you all I appreciate your moral support so much.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
15 May 2007
This shot is of the six yearlings. There is a hot wire on the inside of the fence so they wont put their heads over the panel for obvious reasons LOL. They were wanting their dinner this evening and all congregated waiting to me to feed them so I shot a few pictures of them. Okay so it is picture of eyes and ears but I thought it was cute LOL.
Monday, May 14, 2007
14 May 2007
The first shot is a more "artsy" photo of the brat child. He is growing like a weed and is so full of nonsense. You have to love him.
The second shot is of Piglette in the new pasture. They are positively glowing with health out there. We may have a bit of bad weather coming up, a few storms (which we need now) and they have no indoor area but have various places alongside the buildings that they can shelter in so I am not too worried. My horses are spoilt I know LOL everyone tells me that but that is the way I am and I won't change.
We had a successful trip to the doctor today, it went smoothly and quickly and we were home by noon again. The vet came at 2pm and we gelded the older stallion (poor boy!!!). When we got to the yearling we discovered that only one of his testicles had dropped so we were unable to do him as in order to find the other one we needed to be in more sterile and better indoor conditions. We were working on the lawn outside the front of the house. So Blaze was given a reprieve. I will check him over the next few months and hope that he will drop the other one but if he doesnt we will have to make plans for him to go to the surgery to do the operation.
So it has been a busy day and I am running very late again. Hope you all had a good Monday and wishing you all a great Tuesday.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
13 May 2007
Here is a shot of Taxes (brat baby) taken this afternoon too. He is starting to muscle up nicely and fill out. He gives his momma a hard time, biting her and jumping on her, she actually warned him off today with a small kick (not hard, just a warning) while I was watching them. He is getting stuck into his mothers grain now too so I am going to have to come up with a "creep feeder" (a pan that he can get into but his mother can't) so that he can start eating more grain.
And lastly here is my bottle baby, Wiggle, looking great. She is still a little ribby but is coming on very nicely. She and the others are all so happy and healthy there. No mud and dust to deal with
We are gearing outselves up for a busy week, tomorrow a trip to the hospital in Fort Wayne to see the surgeon and then in the afternoon the vet is going to geld the two stallions. Thursday back to Fort Wayne for the bladder stones to be zapped, and this weekend is my first horse show shoot which is an hour and a half drive from home. It is held over two days so it will mean a lot of driving and I don't have Larry to help me so I am not sure how I am going to manage to get pictures onto the computer and ready for people to view while still covering the ring action. They have very few breaks and then they are each normally only half an hour at a time.
Hope you are all well and had a great weekend!!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
12 May 2007
Hi all, I went to feed the mares in the pasture down the road this evening and they were all at the far end of the field. When they saw me they came running over. Cat was the only one (the B&W at the back) who took her time LOL. The second picture is of BB the Blue Roan filly. She is looking awesome. In fact they are all looking so great, it makes me very happy to see them and I could just sit in the grass and watch them all day snapping photos of them as they interact.
I am going to collect Cayenne tomorrow and am taking my filly Lori with me in the trailer because we anticipate Cy being a problem. She has become very herd bound with her mother and every time Pepper tries to do anything with her mother, Cy throws a fit. I may leave her and Lori at the pasture for a few days, then bring Lori back so I can start riding her. It will give me time to get the yearlings on track. It will also save me a bit on hay, it is costing me $15 a day just in hay at the moment.
We had a warm humid day again, we need a bit of rain now. A few weeks ago we had too much and the farmers couldnt put their crops out in soggy fields, now it has been dry long enough for them to get them planted but there is no rain in sight!!
I hope you all had a great Saturday and hope for a wonderful Sunday. ((((Hugs))))
Friday, May 11, 2007
11 May 2007
He is definitely built for speed!!!! I fall more and more in love with this colt every day.
The Bladder stone thing has now been rescheduled for this Thursday so we will see, we also have an appointment on Monday with the plastic surgeon in Fort Wayne to check on the surgery from this last hospital visit. To cap it all the vet has also rescheduled again to geld the two studs on Monday afternoon after we get back from the hospital. It is going to be a busy week by the looks of it.
I went to feed the mares tonight down the road and they are looking wonderful, clean and shiny and healthy. No mud to deal with just lots of grass. They all ate their grain tonight so they are starting to get into a routine. I am hoping to go and fetch Cy from my friend this weekend and I will turn her out there too. We may as well make the most of the grass while it is there.
It has been hot and humid again today. I managed to get two stables stripped and cleaned. My filly Lori needs to be ridden so I am hoping to start with her tomorrow and also have to start training the yearlings so that they will have a better chance of being sold. We still have our friend's mare here to be bred to Blue (the white colt). She is still in season so we have to breed her every two days until she wont accept the stud. When she goes it will give us another free stable for the yearlings.
Well that is about it from me today. Hope you all have a great weekend. Thanks to all my new visitors I will get to you eventually too, am making nice headway with catching up on my blogging friends and comments. (((((Hugs))))))
Thursday, May 10, 2007
10 May 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
9 May 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
8 May 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
7 May 2007
9 April 2017 - Bread Making
One of my foals taken many years ago in my barn in the winter sunlight I made a discovery at the local Charity shop (where you can buy se...
You will all have to forgive me for jumping from one continent and one country to the other but I have so many disks and am just grabbing p...
It got cold enough for a few icicles, one of the outside faucets was dripping and I had left a bucket hanging under it (I normally turn the ...
I didnt post yesterday as I have been having a terrible emotional struggle with myself over the state of the horse Industry here in the USA....