Monday, April 30, 2007
30 April 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007
29 April 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007
28 April 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007
27 April 2007

It has been another long day. After chores I went up to the hospital and got home at about 5.30pm. Larry is doing really well and is his old self again. Still keeping him under surveilance as his blood pressure and heart rate are fluctuating more than they would like.
We are expecting sunshine and 70s tomorrow and Sunday so I will be putting the horses out again after 3 days of being cooped up. Taxes is bouncing off the walls with energy and being as naughty as always. He tried to kick me tonight and got a nice smack for his troubles and a loud NO!!!! so hopefully he will have learned a lesson. I am not holding my breath LOL.
Thanks again to Mike, Talj, Anna, Anna, Julie, Julie, MiKael, Kaycee, Pat, John, Kathy C, MPRPRO, L, Photogchic, Chad, Tracey, Abe and anyone else I may have missed for your visits and messages. They are all greatly appreciated. (((((Hugs)))))) to you all and have a great weekend.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
26 April 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
25 April 2007

There was a slight improvement in Larry today, he was far more rational but very subdued and restless. He ate a bit in the morning and then I gave him some lunch (really small portion) but he is drinking again and not looking so glazed and blank. His heart rate is a bit fast so they have moved him to another section where they can monitor him 24 - 7. He still has a long way to go but at least this is a step in the right direction.
Hope you are all well and I will "see" y'all tomorrow. ((((((Hugs))))))
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
24 April 2007

I am going to do my chores tomorrow morning and go straight up and spend the day there. We are expecting 2 - 3 inches of rain over the next two days so the horses can stay indoors.
I am really drained so I am going to keep this relatively short. Hope you are all well and Julie I would love for you and your daughter to come over and help me clean stables, anytime you are welcome LOL. Blaze is the first baby born here last year. He is the most amazing laid back, loving, quiet, clever baby that we have bred. He is a love child (that is what I call him), just loves to be loved on and be the centre of attention. Sometimes I think that he is sick because he is so laid back and quiet. He would make a perfect horse for your daughter!! He is a year old now but I would not hesitate to let someone inexperienced handle him with me supervising.
Good night all. I keep praying that things will get better.
Monday, April 23, 2007
23 April 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007
22 April 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007
21 April 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007
20 April 2007

I didnt forget Catblogging day, I just didnt get a chance to take a shot and am really pooped so forgive me for not posting one today.
Another busy day. I did the chores this morning and then went on up to the hospital to visit Larry. I stayed until 3.30 and arrived home at quarter to 5. I don't like putting the horses out when I am not there so they had to stay in and it was a beautiful day today, so when I got back I put them all out because it is only getting dark at about 8.30 now. They really enjoyed it. Taxes has to be the naughtiest baby that we have bred!!!! MiKael would call him a little snot LOL!!!! His antics are wonderful. I think he is going to make a cow horse (cutting and roping) because he is so agile, changes direction in a blink and flying changes as he canters along. He has discovered that he has back legs and if he double barrels them he can kick quite hard with them, so we are having a no kicking lesson at the moment. He is naughty!!!!!
The picture shows Wiggle (my bottle baby) checking out the new addition (instigated by Taxes I must say) and Sonny supervising the proceedure LOL.
Wiggle is doing really well, I will take update shots of her tomorrow, I didnt get the chance today.
Hopefully Larry will be home sometime next week, best scanario mid week, worst scenario, much later.
I hope everyone is well. Thanks all for your visits and messages. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
19 April 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
18 April 2007

I will post more tomorrow. I can't wait until Larry gets home, this commuting back and forth to see him is taking so much time and energy.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
17 April 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007
16 April 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007
15 April 2007 (2nd post)

15 April 2007
At long last Sonny has had her baby. A BIG healthy leggy boy. I woke up at 1am and thought I heard one of the horses whinneying so I got up and went and checked and she had just had him. He was already standing up but was all wet still and wobbling around on his looooong legs. I dried him and put his little baby foal blanket on him and then gave him his enema and waited until he found the milk bar. He is so tall that it took him a while to figure out he had to lower himself more to get to it LOL.
It is now 2.30 so I am off back to bed, Momma and Baby are well and warm with their new straw and I am relieved. What a star, she comes through for me every time with an easy birth, this is the best mare that we have.
I will post pics in the morning although they may just be in the stable because it is freezing out and windy and raining still.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
14 April 2007

The other photo is one of my favorites of Wiggle taken two winters ago. She is doing really well and starting to show signs of putting on weight already. I am going to take pictures every two weeks from the same angles and see her progress. She has her personality back LOL. Little Monster but I love her to bits.}
Friday, April 13, 2007
13 April 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007
12 April 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
11 April 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
10 April 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007
9 April 2007

This is Sonny who is still holding out on us. All of the photos in todays blog were taken today for a change. Come on baby we are getting impatient.
And lastly, here are two more photos taken today of Wiggle which I think show her sad state a bit better than the other photos do. I put her in the new barn today with the studs in their stables and Gee (the thoroughbred) so that she wasnt left in the old barn on her own when I put all the other horses out. They tend to get stressed when they are left on their own. If you click on the pictures you will see larger versions. The vet came to see her today so we have his report on record. We are still not sure how we are going to deal with this, we just have so much going on with Larry going into hospital on Thursday, we are feeling a bit out of our depth.
This was taken from above her and I think shows her hindquarters very realistically, the other side shots just didnt show the extent of the weight loss like this one does. YOu can see her tailbone sticking up, that used to be level with the rumpon either side and you couldnt see her hip bones before at all now they stick right out.
Thank you all again for your concerns, messages of encouragement and sympathy. I am slowly getting back into a routine again, I just wish this year was over already, it has been awful thus far. We are still experiencing temps around freezing so I have been unable to bathe her. Hoping for warmer weather soon.
((((((HUGS)))) and thanks
Sunday, April 8, 2007
8 April 2007

Well with the weather being as it has over the past 3 months the trainer wasnt getting the time to put the hours in that we had agreed on so the 45 days extended to 3 months and we were starting to get worried because every time we made an arrangment for him to bring her and the other horse of ours (our older stud) over to see their progress he cancelled at the last minute. This has been going on for 3 weeks. Eventually I had an enquiry from a Lady in Minnesota who wanted to come and see her this weekend, a 12 hour drive each way, so this was a serious enquiry. We agreed with her that we would have to get the horse over here and then make the arrangements, originally she wanted to drive down on Friday and see her on Saturday morning, but we wanted her here before we made the final arrangement. The trainer eventually got back to us on Thursday evening at about 9pm and said he would bring her over the next evening when I was back from the hospital/doctor.
He called me the next day to tell me he was getting ready to come over and I asked him to please bring the other horse too because my husband was still home and he would like to see him too. He arrived at about 5.15 and had already lead Wiggle out of the trailer and was looking for a stall to put her into by the time I got outside. I was horrified at what I saw. I didnt confront him (I hate confrontation) just asked him why she was so thin, he just fobbed it off with excuses, I let it go and suggested that as it was so late he might unload the other horse and I would make a stable vacant for him so that he could come over the next day to do the cleaning up and riding of the horses. He agreed.
When he had left I had to tell my husband what I had seen. He is bedbound so I opened up the blinds on the bedroom window and paraded both horses for him to see. Dosie was not as bad but was still thin and dirty but Wiggle was dreadful, I estimate she had lost at least 250 lbs. These pictures dont convey the scene very well because the white and winter coat tend to make her look not so bad but believe me this horse is thin. She used to have a groove running along her spine over her hindquarters, now she has her tail bone sticking up about 2 inches and her spine along her back is sticking up about 1cm and I can count every bump in her spine. She has been laying in manure because the stable or wherever she has been keps was not kept clean and dry and this tends to matt on the hair and burn the skin resulting in the hair falling out and leaving sore bare patches. She has a big bump on her nose,probably from a stud chain being used on her to load her into the trailer which I can imagine she didnt want to do as it was obvious that this horse had not been ridden, he had me believing that she had and that three children had been riding her and that they had been trail riding two weeks before. If she had been ridden in this state that in itself is a crime, she is in no shape to be ridden period. Anyway here are a few pics that I took to compare to the ones above. Half of her tail has been chewed off too.
There are more here http://groups.msn.com/doubleLpainthorses/wiggledbdindiandreamaker.msnw for those of you who may be interested.
It is going to take months to rehabilitate this mare, it breaks my heart. The lady who was interested was called as soon as I saw the mare and I told her the whole story and she told me that she was only really looking to buy a horse in May and that she would still like first refusal on her and to be kept posted about her progress. It sounds like a wonderful home for her so I hope this works out, and this one I am sure of.
So those of you who have read this far, thanks all for your concern and messages, I appreciate them. I promise I will get back into my catching up on blogs and comments soon. I just have to get my bearings back.
((((((HUGS))))))) to you all and thanks.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
7 April 2007

Friday, April 6, 2007
6 April 2007

9 April 2017 - Bread Making
One of my foals taken many years ago in my barn in the winter sunlight I made a discovery at the local Charity shop (where you can buy se...

Another reasonably good day despite the load of sawdust I had to unload, whew that stuff sure gets into your eyes and nose LOL despite the m...
No horse pictures today, too cold, so I have posted some of the frost shapes on our sitting room window. A few years ago I had some really ...
I didnt post yesterday as I have been having a terrible emotional struggle with myself over the state of the horse Industry here in the USA....