I took these when I went to feed the girls this evening. You can see how dry it is, the grass is mostly brown but there are some green shoots from the last little bit of rain we had last week. We are supposed to be getting some rain over the next two days, I hope it happens, we still need a whole lot more than we have had.

Wiggle just wanted to play with me, unfortunately she is a bit big so I have to put a cap on it quickly before she gets too rough. She is one of the few horses I have that actually loves me back, probably because I hand raised her. She looks so cute with her fly mask. She and BB are fine with them and their eyes are looking a whole bunch better.

I went to fetch hay again today and they have cattle there so I took my camera to try to get some shots of them. They are in a barn with a small area fenced outside so it was difficult to get good shots because of the black background and most of them are black. This was one of the odd ones out, cute little face.

Boy you gotta see it to believe it LOL. Their tongues sure get all over the place!!!

We had another day in the low 90s and tomorrow will be the same then expecting it to cool down to the upper 70s low 80s. Thank heavens. I still havent got the lumber for the fence as they didnt get their delivery last night. I phoned before I went fortunately. I will check with them tomorrow again and as soon as they have them in I will go over and collect them.
I am really wanting to ride but it is unbearable from 7.30 in the morning until 9pm at night. I suppose I will have to be patient and wait for this heat to pass.
Well that is about it. The barn swallows are all flying around along with various other families from other nests and the ones that I was worried about in the other barn seem to be fine. I have seen the parents in and out and going up to the nest and they are doing their thing trying to entice them to fly.
((((Hugs))))) for everyone.