Friday, August 31, 2007
31 August 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007
30 August 2007

This is going to be a short one today, we had a slight glitch in the proofs and seemed to be missing a whole bunch of Joyce's so I had to get about 170 files sent to me so that Larry could post them on my website. It took ages and before I knew it the clock said 4pm and the evening chores were due to start!!
((((Hugs)))) everyone you are all in my thoughts. So many of my blogging buddies having a hard time at the moment. Sending positive vibes in all of your directions (((Hugs)))
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
29 August 2007

MiKael you asked if I enjoyed the show, yes I definitely did, I was a bit dissappointed about the lack of entries and the lousy light on the first day. I also expected the horses in general to be more animated. Most of them had a flat kneed trot. It tried to shoot for both the flat knee and for the curved front leg as best as I could. There was only one class where they were really high stepping. The people were great though and I enjoyed being there.
Thanks everyone for your regular visits, I am going to try to get a bit more up to date tomorrow. I got my print orders out today so that is out of the way, but the show this weekend is 3 days and we are now going to stay at a hotel on Saturday and Sunday nights to avoid the hour drive each way each day. Larry wasnt going to come with but he has decided he will now. We are expecting nice weather which is a blessing.
Taxes' leg is looking really good, just a matter of time now and keeping it coated, I forgot to look for that fly stuff "Swat" at the show but I know there is always a store at the show this weekend so hopefully they will have it. He is being a star on the lead rope, a bit spunky but really listens and is not all crazy like the babies can sometimes be when you first start leading them especially outside LOL.
((((Hugs))))) everyone.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
28 August 2007

It was very hot and humid again, same tomorrow and then hopefully it will start cooling down. I have another show to shoot this weekend, three days as it is a holiday on Monday. Luckily it is at New Castle which I can travel back and forward from so dont have to stay away overnight. It is a Palomino show.
Nothing much more to report I am afraid. I hope you all had a great weekend and will keep trying to catch up but I am just falling further and further behind on my blog visits. ((((Hugs)))) to you all.
Monday, August 27, 2007
27 August 2007
MiKael I will put you out of your suspense LOL, that is a first, you normally keep me on a string and in suspense with your posts!!!!
It was not a big show (amature) and we didnt make too many sales, but I think that we will get more online sales as some of the competitors were in a hurry go get home. The weather started out really dull and misty on Saturday morning so it was hard and on top of it they had a storm the night before and the arenas were a muddy mess so they held the first halter classes in the grassed areas around the arena which made it hard to shoot. Also Ihad to shoot from outside the arena when they were riding because it was so slushy. Sunday was better and I managed to get inside the arena.
It was a long weekend and pretty stressful, Larry came with and it was the first time he had been up in 8 months so I was worried about him on top of it. Fortunately we avoided the extreme heat and had two very pleasant days in the low 80s. Larry is working on getting all the shots up on my website at the moment and should have them up by Wednesday. I havent really had time to edit much and just skimmed through all of the pictures this afternoon for the first time. Larry's niece Joyce came with us and she got some great shots too and helped me with taking care of Larry and the downloading of files and printing contact sheets which was a great help.
On Saturday evening they had "Liberty" classes where the horse is let loose to perform for the audience and has a certain time limit, after which they have 2 minutes to catch the horse and leave the arena. The judge then determines who gave the best performance. This is one of the horses, awesome to watch. It was late and the light was pretty good (7pm approx). This is a nice floating trot which I believe is a sought after shot. Also the tail up over the back is a good thing. The Arabians are very animated and their owners promote it, beautiful to watch. Just wish the arena hadnt been so muddy and I could have got more shots but a lot of the time they were running right along the rail right in front of me.

((((Hugs))))) see y'all tomorrow.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
26 August 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
24 August 2007
24 August 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
23 August 2007

Exceptionally hot today, very very humid, unbearable but I managed to get the sawdust unloaded and three stables stripped and rebedded. Taxes is doing really well. His leg is improving and the swelling is down. He was very happy with his clean stable. When I put him out in the bottom of the barn while I cleaned his stall I gave him his Jolly Balls to play with and he loves biting, kicking and jumping on them. So cute I could watch him all day. He is turning into a really nice clever little colt.
Well it is late so off to get my beauty sleep again, I have to leave for the show tomorrow evening so will try to post before I leave and then hopefully Joyce will have her laptop again and we will be able to get online and I can post on Saturday. I am rather looking forward to this show, it is my first Arabian show and these horses can be so showy and animated, I love it. Hopefully I can get stacks of fabulous pictures.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
22 August 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
21 August 2007

We had 3 inches of rain yesterday and today it rained on and off all day again until 5pm when it absolutely poured. I was in the barn and the water came down so fast that it was streaming into the barn before I knew it and could do anything about it. I spent the next hour and a half shovelling water out of the barn and now have a muddy mess in the center aisle. At least I kept it from going into the stables. I really need to make up some sandbags so that I can put them across the big door when it rains like this to stop it coming under the door.
I am very worried about Taxes' leg today. When I took off the bandage yesterday evening his fetlock and pastern were quite swollen and I suspected that the pressure bandage that I had applied may have been too tight. I applied a loose bandage so I could see what was up today. The swelling went down but today his whole leg from the hock to the hoof are swollen and obviously very painful. I managed to get him out and hose his leg for 20 minutes with cold water. It was his first time out and first time exposed to the hose. He was actually very good about it. I took his temperature and it appears normal so will have to check that in the morning. I spoke with the vet and he doesnt seem to think that it was the tight bandage but advised me to leave it with a very loose dressing if anything at all. I have to cover it because the flies are dreadful at the moment and an open wound will just make his life unbearable. I have to try to hose it two or three times a day until the swelling goes down.
So my day has been hectic once more and I didnt get anything done that I planned. MiKael I am glad that I jogged your memory on the shavings LOL, I still havent unloaded mine. We should be dry the next few days but temps in the mid 90s again.
Well that's it for now folks, (((((Hugs))))) and see y'all tomorrow.
Monday, August 20, 2007
20 August 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2007
19 August 2007

Still no more rain, they have had more north of us and south of us but we have been in that dry zone since April. Hope everyone is well, CG, Mike, MiKael and Abraham thanks for your visits I appreciate them. ((((Hugs)))))
Saturday, August 18, 2007
18 August 2007
If it doesnt then I will post the pic and try to remember the text LOL.
18 August 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007
17 August 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007
16 August 2007

I decided to wean Taxes today. I put his momma in the stable next to him to try to ease the transition. He is coping pretty well, the crunch will come when I take her into the other barn where he can't see her which I will do in a few days time. He is being so good about his bandage and so far hasnt got to chewing it despite the fact that he likes to bite everything in his path LOL. He is a typical stud colt, nippy which we are working on stopping.
I started working on getting everything ready to have the post holes dug at long last for my new fence. It has been so dry and the ground is like concrete because it is predominantly clay. I pulled most of the metal posts and took down some of the dregs of the wire. I will have the electric company over on Monday to mark out where the telephone, gas and electric underground cables are because we have to dig the post holes at least 3 feet deep because that is the freeze line here and I would hate to hit one of the underground cables LOL.
Well that is it for tonight. Just need to print my photo orders and hopefully get them mailed out tomorrow. ((((Hugs))))) for everyone.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
15 August 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
14 August 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007
13 August 2007
These two pics are some of the cute shots that I have from the weekend. I loved these because this little girl is so tiny and this huge horse is such a teddy bear. I think it is wonderful that a horse can be entrusted to a child with no fear of it being dangerous and this is one of those horses.

I got caught up a bit on barn work today. It was cooler and the humidity was not as bad as it has been so it was bearable to be outside. Taxes is coming on nicely, his leg is healing slowly but at least we are seeing progress.
Larry got up for an hour or so today. We are still battling with one section from his surgery which won't heal but as it is not a pressure related problem we decided that he needs to get up and about a bit for his sanity if nothing else.
I have been invited to shoot an Arabian show in Fort Wayne the weekend after next which I am quite excited about because I havent photographed arabians for ages. MiKael I am going to be picking your brains for tips on how to shoot for these guys!!!! I hope your show went well this weekend, I will be catching up on your blog tonight too.
Mike thank you so much for your diligent posts and visits it means a lot to me. Your little buddy is doing well. I will let you and Julie share him no problem LOL. He is such a little monster he will need two homes so that the one can recover while he is at the other Hehehehe.
I am off to try to catch up with my print orders and to check in on a few of my blogging buddies. Hope you all had a great weekend. ((((HUGS))))))
Sunday, August 12, 2007
12 August 2007

I will see y'all tomorrow. I got some cute shots which I will post but am just too tired. ((((Hugs)))))
I have added some pictures to the posts from the last few days too.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
11 August 2007

Hope you are all having a great weekend. ((((Hugs)))))
Friday, August 10, 2007
10 August 2007

Taxes' leg looked so much better tonight, I felt a lot better about it today. I was still really worried last night because it was looking dreadful and bleeding a lot still whenever I took the dressing off. Lets keep fingers crossed that it will continue to improve now. He is being such a good boy. Feisty little devil but cute too LOL.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, think of me in the sun for two days :-(. I will try to post on Saturday night from Larry's computer when I get home. (((Hugs))))
Thursday, August 9, 2007
9 August 2007
(click on picture to enlarge)

(Click on picture to enlarge)

I got a bit of barn work done today and finished my prints and got them all mailed off. It was very hot and humid this morning and although the heat didnt deminish, the humidity dropped from about lunchtime so it was a bit more pleasant to be outside, still in the low 90s though. I think tomorrow is going to be in upper 80s and less humid too so I can get everything done before the weekend.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
8 August 2007

Taxes is growing like a weed, I can't believe the rate that he is filling out at. He is looking gorgeous. I am going to have to get the vet out tomorrow because I am not happy with the way his leg is healing.
MiKael in answer to your question, the 3 girls all have the same daddy (the stud that our friend had to put down a few months ago when he got kicked in the shoulder and broke it). Their mothers are also related, wont go into those. The stud colt Dream also has the same daddy and his momma was the one we lost along with her baby who would have been a full brother to Dream. His momma is also closely related to the mothers of the 3 fillies. On the question of mosquitos, I have hardly seen any this year because it has been so dry so I am not too concerned about them and West Nile. Normally I wouldnt turn them out at night because they would be eaten alive. I am so glad that you got some riding in, I wish i could get some in too.
Mike I sympathise, we are also in an extreme drought situation in Northeastern Indiana now. It is unbearable. All of the horses have their fans on or else they would suffocate in this heat (okay so I spoil my horses LOL). The four mares down the road are coping pretty well and are all fat and healthy still.
It was in the upper 70s when we woke this morning, wonder what tomorrow has in store for us.
Hope everyone is well. ((((Hugs))))))
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
7 August 2007

Glad you enjoyed the insight into the creep feeder. I have to say that this is normally for newborns and up to 3 or 4 months old only because that is when I wean them and then they are able to eat as much as they want without momma's interference, and Taxes is a big baby so it looks a bit cramped for him but he is really getting stuck in and not minding it at all. They work really well.
Very hot again today, probably the hottest so far. It is unbearable outside, the horses all have their fans on and they are happy about that. I put as many out at night as I can so they can enjoy the cool (if you can call lows in the upper 70s cool) and it helps keep the stables from getting so bad.
(((((Hugs)))))) to everyone.
Monday, August 6, 2007
6 August 2007
As promised here is a pic of the Brat (Mike's little Buddy) Taxes using his creep feeder. I have devised these in the stall walls or in the sliding doors for the stalls that have sliding doors. He is a little big for it but is still managing to use it nicely. They would normally be able to use it from the time they are born but the stall that he and momma were in didnt have one of these so I was a bit apprehensive and didnt know if he would be willing to put his head through. He is eating like a little piglette!!! Look at that little face, butter wouldnt melt in that mouth the little darling. He is really being good with his dressing changes and so far has not done any chewing of bandages.

Well an early night again today for me, the heat is really getting to me. I am still waiting for the printer paper to be delivered, should be here tomorrow or Wednesday so I can get the orders from the show out to the competitors.
((((Hugs))))) to everyone. Carmi thanks so much for your visit, it was great to see you again, I know the feeling with getting behind on my blogging visits. Hopefully things will slow down again and we can get caught up, I miss the interaction everyone used to have when things were slower LOL.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
5 August 2007

(((((Hugs))))) to you all.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
4 August 2007

I made a good start on cleaning the barn today so hopefully tomorrow I can get it finished.
Well that was my day, nothing exciting to report other than the starter motor in my truck has packed in and I got stuck in town. Had to get some young chaps to push me so that I could jump start it (it is a manual gearbox or a "stick shift" as they call it here).
Hope everyone is well ((((Hugs))))
Friday, August 3, 2007
3 August 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007
2 August 2007

It has been unbearably hot again today and will be for at least the next 5 days. Still hoping for even a little bit of rain for relief.
Taxes is doing great, I got his dressing technique perfected today and he is not chewing it so hopefully it will heal nicely. I still have to get help as I can't tie him up and he wants to move away from me when I touch his leg.
I have nearly finished editing photos from the show (didnt get as much done today as I hoped and have another 9 pictures to do) so I am hoping to get some, if not all of it mailed before closing tomorrow.
((((Hugs)))) and hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
1 August 2007

I am nearly finished preparing my print orders, then I just have to print them and get them in the mail. If anyone is interested the proofs are on my website, the Welsh Pony show. http://prophotobylori.net/
I can't believe we are into August already. I am going to turn in after checking a few of my blogging buddies' blogs. (((Hugs)))) to you all
9 April 2017 - Bread Making
One of my foals taken many years ago in my barn in the winter sunlight I made a discovery at the local Charity shop (where you can buy se...

Another reasonably good day despite the load of sawdust I had to unload, whew that stuff sure gets into your eyes and nose LOL despite the m...
No horse pictures today, too cold, so I have posted some of the frost shapes on our sitting room window. A few years ago I had some really ...
I didnt post yesterday as I have been having a terrible emotional struggle with myself over the state of the horse Industry here in the USA....